- Agricultural field days and expos (36)
- Agricultural shows and show societies (291)
- Australian plague locusts (Victoria. Dept. of Primary Industries) (3)
- Farmers' markets (0)
- Victoria. Dept. of Primary Industries factsheets (2)
- Victoria. Dept. of Primary Industries: information bulletins (1)
- Wine and vineyards (58)
- Produce and Grocery Industry Ombudsman Annual Report
- Producing safe eggs at home
- Producing timber from farms
- Production and Environmental Legislation: A Guide for Primary Producers Farming for the Future
- Professor Chris Baggoley : One health : a personal perspective (2017 AVA Annual Conference)
- Profile of Australian wool producers 1997-98 to 2000-01
- Profitability analyses : ewes for the future, lambs, wool and profit
- Program case study : grain farmer Ed Rickard
- Prohibited procedures for dogs
- Project final report : adoption of new land management practices through conservation insurance
- Project final report : dryland salinity credit trade
- Property Rights Australia
- Property disease management program. Ovine Johne's Disease.
- Property identification codes (PICs) for Victorian plant industries
- Prospect of commercialising the Boab roots as a vegetable : a report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation
- Proston Show
- Protect your property with a Property Identification Code (PIC)
- Protected Cropping Australia (PCA)
- Protecting alpacas
- Protecting our intertidal animals and plants
- Protecting our native freshwater fishes
- Pulse Australia
- Pulse point
- Pulses
- Purchasing Dairy Cattle and Minimising the Risk of Buying Bovine Johnes Disease
- Purgagoolah (Block 833) series-plot sites and eucgroup : growth and yield - East Gippsland FMA
- Putting the pieces together at Jigsaw Farms
- QCamel
- QFF 2024 Election Priorities | Queensland Farmers' Federation
- QFF : Beyond the border crossing
- QFF weekly bulletin
- Qld election / AgForce
- Quad bikes are Queensland farming’s biggest killer
- Quantifying biomass from satellite vegetation indicies
- Queensborough (Block 892) series-plot sites and eucgroup : growth and yield - East Gippsland FMA
- Queensland Beekeepers' Assoc. Inc.
- Queensland Branch, Dairy Goat Society of Australia Inc.
- Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies
- Queensland Cotton
- Queensland Dairyfarmers' Organisation
- Queensland Department of Primary Industries
- Queensland Farmers' Federation
- Queensland Farmers' Federation Conference 2001
- Queensland Horse Council Inc.
- Queensland Rural Workers’ Accommodation Initiative
- Queensland Rural, Regional and Remote Women's Network
- Queensland State Election 2004 : Major Policy Issues | Queensland Fruit & Vegetable Growers
- Queensland Strawberries
- Queensland Wine
- Queensland Working Sheepdog Association Inc.
- Queensland agricultural colleges review : report
- Queensland fruit fly : ICA-04 : fumigation for quarantine
- Queensland fruit fly : ICA-57 : repacking of fruit fly host produce
- Queensland fruit fly : PS-37: Yarra Valley pest free places of production
- Queensland fruit fly : PS-38: pest free production sites
- Queensland land clearing proposal : socio-economic impact : report for the Commonwealth government
- Queensland’s leaders must act now to secure a biofuels future | CANEGROWERS
- RIRDC Publications
- RIRDC Rural Women's Award
- RIRDC equine research news
- RNA : the Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland
- RSPCA Approved Farming
- Rabbit action plan
- Rabbit farming : planning and development control guidelines
- Racetrack management : a manual for racecourse managers : a report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation
- Rachel's Farm • Regenerators
- Ramsey Bros
- Rangeland and wildlife systems
- Rare breeds trust of Australia
- Rare natural fibres research reports
- ReWater
- Recall guidelines for agricultural and veterinary products
- Recent research papers - The Page Research Centre
- Red Meat Advisory Council
- Red meat and livestock industry biotechnology policy
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from Australian agriculture : the role of benchmarking in driving best management practice
- Reef Catchments
- RegenWA
- Regional Development Australia. Fitzroy and Central West
- Regional Partnerships Goulburn Assembly - snapshot
- Regional Partnerships Mallee Assembly : snapshot
- Regional Seasonal Conditions Reports
- Regional review
- Regulation of grain handling facilities : price determination incorporating grain handling pricing principles : June 2000
- Regulatory burden: evaluating farmers perspectives
- Regulatory interventions to maximise water efficiencies in the Murrumbidgee Valley.
- Replanting guide
- Report (New South Wales Citrus Industry Development Strategy)
- Report : Vegetation classification and modelling of pre-European and extant vegetation [of] Boorowa Shire
- Report of adverse experiences
- Report of audit of compliance with The code for forest practices for timber production (and associated prescriptions) : Benalla-Mansfield FMA 3-7 June 2002
- Report of audit of compliance with The code for forest practices for timber production (and associated prescriptions) : Mildura FMA June 2002
- Report of audit of compliance with The code for forest practices for timber production (and associated prescriptions) : Otway FMA 16/8/2002
- Report of audit of compliance with The code for forest practices for timber production (and associated prescriptions) : Tambo FMA July 2002
- Report of audit of compliance with The code for forest practices for timber production (and associated prescriptions) in State Forests of Victoria 2001/2002 : February 2003
- Report of findings from a review of the operation of the National Livestock Identification System
- Report of the Heritage Working Party on the horses of the Guy Fawkes River National Park
- Report of the review of the National Landcare Program
- Report on Coffs Coast oyster industry development plan
- Report on Rail/Road options for grain logistics : final draft / Grain Infrastructure Advisory Committee