- How I got here : Dimpy's story
- How I got here : Sophie’s story
- How I got here : Vicky’s story
- How are taser weapons used by the NSW Police Force?
- How best to promote consistency in sentencing in the local court
- How fit do you need to be
- How to ace the perfect push-up
- How to have copies of original documents certified
- How to make a statutory declaration
- How to make an affadavit
- How to pass our health and fitness assessment for frontline roles
- I am a witness : a guide to the child protection witness process
- IBAC : Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Victoria.
- IBAC : independent broad based anti-corruption commission
- ICAC Reports. New South Wales
- IDAHOBIT : Bateson Report launch
- INcorrections II : correcting government
- IVO breaches
- Identity crime : final report
- Illigitimi non carborundum
- Impact of crime prevention on Aboriginal communities
- Impact of enforced separation on prisoners' wives
- Impact of housing on the lives of women and children - post domestic violence crisis accommodation:
- Improving service and criminal justice responses to victims of sexual assault : a Report of a state-based consultation with adult victims of sexual assault, services and agencies
- Improving the administration & processing of appeals in the provision of legal aid : discussion paper
- In this job you get to help others find purpose and new meaning in their life
- In-depth study of sexual assault and family violence cases
- Independent Review into the Crime and Corruption Commission's Reporting on the Performance of its Corruption Functions
- Independent Review of the Thoroughbred Racing Act 1996
- Independent review into sex discrimination and sexual harassment, including predatory behaviour in Victoria Police
- Independent review of the regulatory oversight of the New South Wales Racing Industry - 2008
- Indigenous Justice Clearinghouse Research Brief
- Indigenous young people, crime and justice conference
- InforMAAtion
- Information to prisoners : sheet 1 : Adult Parole Board of Victoria
- Inmate Health Survey
- Inquest into the deaths arising from the Lindt Cafe Siege
- Inquiry into the escape of persons held in custody at the Supreme Court of Western Australia on 10 June 2004 - inquiry conducted by Mr Richard Hooker
- Inquiry into the external oversignt of police corruption and misconduct in Victoria
- Inquiry into the handling of child abuse by religious and other organisations.
- Inquiry into the use of Cannabis in Victoria
- Inquiry into youth justice centres in Victoria
- Inside Out Australia : LGBTIQ+ Prisoner Solidarity Network
- Inside Out Prison Chaplaincy
- Inside out : the mental health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in custody report
- Inspectorate review 20/2011 : evaluation of pursuits : final report
- Intensive Supervision Program
- Interested in a job where you like coming to work every day and working as part of a team
- Intergaol comparison study : attitudes of prison officers to their work at Bathurst, Cessnock and Parklea
- International Journal for Crime and Justice
- International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy
- International Women's Day (Victoria Police)
- International Women's Day 2022 #BreakTheBias
- International journal of forensic psychology
- Internet crime : 16th and 17th February 1998, University of Melbourne
- Intersection of Family Law and Family and Domestic Violence
- Is Prison Obsolete Conference
- Isla's first day
- Issues and innovations in Australian policing : case studies presenting concepts, practices, and processes in Australian policing
- Issues paper : Royal Commission into Family Violence
- It could be you : female, single, older and homeless
- It's not too late
- It's time to talk about mental health : Thelma
- Jack Beasley Foundation
- Jimmy Governor Forensic
- Joondalup Family Violence Court : final report
- Judging the Chief's colouring competition
- Judy Lazarus transition centre : Corrections Victoria
- Junee: one year out
- JusTas
- Justice First : to change law into justice
- Justice and Regulation
- Juvenile crime and juvenile justice : towards 2000 and beyond
- Kainedbiipitli : a new dawn : preventing crime in Torres Strait Island communities
- Language background and release from indeterminate sentences
- Language background of prisoners
- Law Enforcement Conduct Commission NSW
- Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales
- Lawinfo NT
- Lawyers Weekly
- Libby
- Lifestyles Unit - evaluation study
- Lionel Murphy Foundation
- Lives lost : remembering Fred
- Lives lost : remembering Megan and Erynn
- Living and working for the department in the Hume region
- Local government area crime report
- Macedon range arrests
- Major Collision Investigation Unit : Victoria Police
- Major drug offences current sentencing practices
- Make a difference : prison officers help people turn their lives around
- Making Queensland Safer
- Making peace, it's up to you. Victim-Offender Mediation Unit.
- Management of misconduct risks by the NSW Police Counter Terrorist Coordination Command : an assessment
- Managing Drugs in Prisons
- Manly Crime Prevention Plan (Manly Council)
- Marcus & Julie Lee : Australians now free
- Marngoneet correctional centre : general information