- Real Estate Institute of Australia
- Real Estate Institute of Australia Commonwealth Governmnet pre-budget submission 2014/15
- Recreational maritime safety
- Redfern-Waterloo Authority Affordable Housing Contributions Plan
- Regional Services Reform Unit
- Regional Victoria : trends and prospects
- Regional cities (Ballarat, Greater Bendigo, Greater Geelong and Latrobe)
- Regional cities (Ballarat, Greater Bendigo, Greater Geelong and Latrobe) : residential zones state of play
- Regional homelessness action plan 2010-2014 (Housing NSW)
- Regional impact of housing costs and assistance on financial disadvantage
- Regulation and Growth of the Not-For-Profit Housing Sector Discussion paper April 2010
- Regulation of property conditions in the rental market : issues paper : residential tenancies act review
- Renewing the estate seminar, Sydney (June 2003)
- Rent Fair : Madeleine
- Rent Fair Victoria
- Rent Fair: Grace
- Rent Fair: overview
- Rental arrears
- Rental experiences of tenants, landlords, property managers, and park residents in Victoria [poster]
- Rental experiences of tenants, landlords, property managers, and parks residents in Victoria : final report
- Rental housing vacancy rates Queensland
- Rental report / Dept. of Planning and Housing, Victoria.
- Renting & Coronavirus : what you need to know - Tenants Union of New South Wales
- Rentwatchers
- Report of the Reconnect longitudinal study : building community capacity for early intervention
- Report of the review of the Active Linking Initiative (ALI)
- Report on findings from 2006-07 social justice initiative survey
- Report to develop an accreditation system for SAAP and substitute care
- Research - Queensland Shelter
- Research blog (RP Data/CoreLogic)
- Reshaping public housing and work disincentives
- Residential infill development : South East Queensland
- Residential land development activity profile, local government areas
- Residential land development activity profile, regional planning project areas
- Responding to homelessness : submission in response to the FaHCSIA green paper
- Response to Prime Ministerial Youth Homeless Taskforce report - Putting families in the picture
- Resthaven
- Review of development levies : submission of the Urban Development Institute of Australia
- Review of in-home and drop-in accommodation support : final report
- Review of individual planning in DADHC large residential centres
- Review of method for determining rents for domestic waterfront tenancies in NSW - Final Report
- Reviewing changes to housing management on remote Indigenous communities
- Rewiring Australia
- Risk assessment practices in the private rental sector : implications for low-income earners
- Rockin' 4 the Homeless
- Rockwell Bruce
- Rooming house futures : governing for growth, fairness and transparency
- Rooming house futures : governing for growth, transparency and fairness : Victorian discussion paper
- Rooming house standards taskforce : chairperson's report
- Ruby
- Rural residential development : planning practice note 37
- SA Living Solutions Inc. – Living solutions for all
- SAAP standards
- SMHOW @StMarysHOW St Mary's House of Welcome (Twitter page)
- SQM Research
- Safe & sound : a housing profile of Victoria's older population
- Safe and sound? How funding mix affects homelessness support for Indigenous Australians
- Saints Catholic College
- Salvation Army: Towards Independence [SA]
- Samaritan House Geelong
- Save our City Beach our Floreat
- Save public housing
- Sea level rise planning guidelines : submission of the Urban Development Institute of Australia NSW
- Second Chance Programme Fundraising Group Inc.
- Secure and affordable housing
- Secure occupancy in rental housing: conceptual foundations and comparative perspectives
- Security of tenure issues paper : Residential Tenancies Act Review
- Senate Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry into poverty and financial hardship: submission from Shelter NSW
- Shared accommodation for people with a disability : a national competition policy review of the regulation of boarding houses.
- Shared equity scheme : policy
- Shared ownership by people with a disability
- Shelter SA
- Shelter SA: election messages about housing and homelessness
- Shelter Tasmania - State Election 2021
- Shelter WA
- Shelter and support for homeless in Melbourne : Premier of Victoria
- Shepparton Interfaith Network : serving the faith communities of the Goulburn Valley
- Shire of Cardinia : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- Shire of Yarra Ranges : dwelliographic profile, 2001
- Shitrentals.org
- Short Stay Accomodation panel
- Sleep Bus
- Social housing : a discussion paper on the options to inmprove the supply of quality housing
- Social housing exits: incidence, motivations and consequences
- Social inclusion and housing : a household and local area analysis
- Somers & Hervey Estate
- South Australian Housing Trust Annual Report
- South Australian Retirement Villages Residents Association Inc.
- South Coast Housing and Land Monitor
- South Sydney Development Control Plan : amendment, Part H : Green Square town centre
- South West regional plan
- South-east City Residents' Association
- Spatial disadvantage : why is Australia different?
- Special infrastructure contribution (New South Wales. Growth Centres Commission)
- Special infrastructure contribution practice note
- Speciality Reports and White Papers (Colliers International)
- Springlake Mount Barker | House and land for sale
- St Bart's - We're by your side
- St Basil's Homes for the Aged in Victoria
- St Mark's College