- Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Studies, Policies and Legislation
- Food safety regulation in Australia
- Forensic DNA sampling of Serious Indictable Offenders under Part 7 of the Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Act 2000
- Forklift safety : reducing the risks
- Frack Free Geelong | Protect our region from gas mining
- Framework for an Australian Capital Territory clean economy strategy : economic, environmental, and social perspectives
- Fraud and corruption prevention strategy policy.
- Fraud control and corruption prevention strategy
- Fraud prevention and control : 24 - 25 August 2000, Legends Hotel, Gold Coast
- Free is Not Fair
- Freedom of Information Amendment (Reform) Bill 2009 and Information Commissioner Bill 2009
- Front-of-pack labelling updates
- Future options for council rating: dealing with the separation of water from land under the Water Management Act 2000
- Gambling Community Benefit Fund: investing in Queensland's communities
- Gambling, technology & society : regulatory challenges for the 21st century, 7th and 8th May 1998, Rex Hotel, Sydney
- Geoffrey Robertson
- Glen Waverley Police Station rebuild
- Global directions, local solutions : International Policing Conference 2001, Adelaide March 6-8, 2001
- Going to court
- Graduated Guidelines for Residential Construction (New South Wales)
- Grata Fund
- Great Australian Internet Blackout
- GreenLaw : Environmental Law for Climate Justice, Australia
- Guide to developing CCTV for public safety in Victoria
- Guide to poisons and therapeutic goods legislation for veterinary surgeons
- Guide to preparing local environmental plans
- Guide to preparing planning proposals
- Guide to the workplace video surveillance Act 1998 (NSW)
- Guidelines for NSW Board and Commitee members : appointments and remuneration
- Guidelines for allocation of future coal exploration areas. introduced 2006 updated 2008
- Guidelines for establishing and operating community consultative committees for mining projects
- Guidelines for local laws manual
- Guidelines for local laws resource book
- Guidelines for major project community consultation
- Guidelines for making, handling and investigating protected disclosures
- Guidelines for parole management
- Guidelines for the Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW
- Gun Control Australia
- Gunning Committee of Enquiry into the Finance Brokers Supervisory Board - transcripts of proceedings
- Health and Community Services Compaints Commission NT
- Help yourself : don't invite crime
- Historical Justice and Memory Research Network
- How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Building Code of Australia
- Human Rights Law Centre
- I fish I boat and I vote
- IP Whiteboard
- IPART issues paper : review of prices for water, sewerage, stormwater and recycled water services for Hunter Water Corporation and, review of prices for water, wastewater and stormwater services for Gosford City Council and Wyong Shire Council
- IPART review : revenue framework for local government : submission of the Urban Development Institute of Australia (NSW)
- Ian Stewart (CoPStewart) [on Twitter]
- Impact (Environmental Defeneder's Office)
- Implementing the Government's response to the 2009 Victorian bushfires Royal Commission, May 2011
- Improving the NSW planning system : community guide
- Improving the NSW planning system : discussion paper
- Independent Commission of Inquiry into Queensland Police Service responses to domestic and family violence
- Independent biodiversity legislation review panel : issues paper
- Independent investigation into the Metropolitan Remand Centre riot : final report
- Independent media inquiry
- Indexes to NSW Regulations and selected ordinances
- Indigenous Constitutional Law
- Indigenous Consumers Count - A Consultative Approach to Consumer Protection of Indigenous Western Australians
- Indigenous Knowledge Forum
- Indigenous Partnership Strategy and Action Plan
- Indigenous self-determination and the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities : a framework for discussion
- Indigenous young people, crime and justice conference
- Inquiry into Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Digital Dividend) Bill 2013
- Inquiry into End of Life Choices
- Inquiry into Ride Sourcing Sservices
- Inquiry into VicForests operations
- Inquiry into people trafficking for sex work : government response
- Inquiry into potential reforms of National Security
- Inquiry into the Freedom of Information (Removal of Conclusive Certificates and Other Measures) Bill 2008
- Inquiry into the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2012 and Marriage Amendment Bill 2012
- Inquiry into the NSW Planning Framework : submission of the Urban Development Institute of Australia
- Inquiry into the Road Safety Rules 2001 (Overtaking Bicycles) Bill 2015
- Inquiry into youth justice centres in Victoria
- Inspectorate review 20/2011 : evaluation of pusuits : final report
- Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia
- Interim report of the private hospitals and day procedure centres Act 1988
- International Legal Services Advisory Council
- International Water Centre (Griffith University)
- Internet Service Provider (ISP) filtering
- Internet crime : 16th and 17th February 1998, University of Melbourne
- Issues and innovations in Australian policing : case studies presenting concepts, practices, and processes in Australian policing
- Issues paper. Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment (Permanency Planning) Bill 2000
- Joondalup Family Violence Court : final report
- Josh Bornstein @JoshBBornstein (Twitter page)
- Journal of South Pacific Law
- Journal of law and governance
- Journlaw
- Judicial College of Victoria
- Justice Martin Kriewaldt
- Justice now open to whom?
- Juvenile crime and juvenile justice : towards 2000 and beyond
- KATGALLOW Property Law | Legal Education | Women & Law | Contemporary Legal Issues
- Kangaroo Court of Australia
- Katherine Women's Information & Legal Service (KWILS)
- Kon Karapanagiotidis @Kon_K (Twitter page)
- Koori court : a defendant's guide
- LAFO : Law Abiding Firearm Owners Inc.