- Bluesky accounts (36)
- Livestreamers (2)
- Mastodon accounts (25)
- Threads accounts (84)
- Twitter accounts (1500)
- Youtubers (21)
- Mark Latham - One Nation [Twitter page]
- Mark M Aldridge (@MarkMAldreidge) [Twitter page]
- Mark Parton @markparton (Canberra Liberals candidate for Brindabella) (Twitter)
- Mark Ptolemy - Senate Candidate for Australian Workers Party in NSW [Twitter page]
- Mark Reed @markreedwa (Twitter Page)
- Mark Rex - United Australia Party Candidate for Greenway [Twitter Page
- Mark Richards 4 Latrobe Valley @MarkRichards_LV (Twitter page)
- Mark Riley Seven News Political Editor @Riley7News (Twitter)
- Mark Rodda - Independent Candidate for Tamworth (Twitter)
- Mark Speakman @MarkSpeakman (Twitter Page)
- Mark Swivel - Senate Candidate for The Together Party in NSW [Twitter page]
- Mark Tait @MarkT4Benambra (Twitter page)
- Mark the Graph (Twitter)
- Marlene Kairouz MP @MarleneKairouz (Twitter page)
- Martin Appleby @ALPMartinapps (Twitter page)
- Martin Foley @MartinFoleyMP (Twitter page)
- Martin Mulcare @BetterBennelong [Twitter page]
- Martin Pakula MP @MartinPakulaMP (Twitter page)
- Martin Tye : Twitter
- Martin Zakharov @martinzak (Twitter page)
- Martuwarra RiverOfLife (@martuwarra) | nitter
- Marty Corboy @martycorboynats (Twitter page)
- Mary Delahunty @Mary_Delahunty (Twitter page)
- Mary Doyle @MaryDoyle4Aston : (Twitter page)
- Mary Poulakis @marypoulakis (Twitter page)
- Mary Wooldridge MP @mary_Wooldridge (Twitter page)
- Mary-Anne Thomas MP @MaryAnneThomas (Twitter page)
- Mary-Louise McLaws (Twitter)
- Maryanne Stuart - Labor Candidate for Heathcote [Twitter Page]
- Mat Morgan @MatMorganGreens [Twitter page]
- Mathew Dickerson - Independent Candidate for Dubbo [Twitter page]
- Matt Donnelly : Twitter
- Matt Gregg @MattGreggDeakin (Twitter page)
- Matt Kean Liberal Member for Hornsby @Matt_KeanMP (Twitter Page)
- Matt Lanigan @mllanigan (Twitter page)
- Matt Sharpham - Independent for New England [Twitter Page]
- Matt Taylor MLA@MattTaylor MLA (Twitter Page)
- Matt Thistlethwaite @MThistlethwaite [Twitter page]
- Matthew Coote @MatthewCoote [Twitter page]
- Matthew Fraser @_mjfraser [Twitter page]
- Matthew Kirwan @mkirwan_greens (Twitter page)
- Matthew Mason-Cox - NSW Minister for Fair Trading, NSW Legislative Council @MatthewMasonCox (Twitter Page)
- Max Phillips - greens Candidate for Summer Hill @maxphillips (Twitter Page)
- Mayor Stuart James @CrStuartJames (Twitter page)
- Megan McEwin - Greens Candidate Vaucluse @VaucluseGreens (Twitter Page)
- Mehreen Faruqi (@mehreenfaruqi) on Threads
- Mehreen Faruqi - Greens Senate Candidate for NSW [Twitter page]
- Mehreen Faruqi Greens MP NSW Parliament @MehreenFaruqi (Twitter Page)
- Melanie Gibbons Liberal Member for Menai@MelGibbonsMP (Twitter Page)
- Melbourne (Naarm) @Melbourne
- Melbourne City of Literature Office (@melcityoflit.bsky.social) on Bluesky
- Melbourne Cup @melbournecup (Twitter page)
- Melbourne Freedom Rally @MelbFreedom (Twitter page)
- Melbourne ISO Girl @melbourneISO
- Melbourne Says #IStandWithDan @Melbourne_says (Twitter page)
- MelbourneZero @MelbourneZero (Twitter page)
- Melinda Pavey - Nationals Member of the NSW Legislative Council @melindapaveymlc (Twitter Page)
- Mercurius Goldstein - Northern Tablelands Greens Candidate @greengoldstein (Twitter Page)
- Meryl Swanson - Labor Candidate for Paterson [Twitter page]
- Meyne Wyatt @meynewyatt (Twitter)
- Mia Davies MLA@MiaDaviesMLA (Twitter Page)
- Michael Barling @Wannon_ALP [Twitter page]
- Michael Daley Member for Maroubra @michaeldaleyMP (Twitter Page)
- Michael Danby @MichaelDanbyMP (Twitter page)
- Michael Dello-Iacovo - Animal Justice Party Candidate for Heffron [Twitter page]
- Michael Hing [Twitter]
- Michael Johnsen - National Party Candidate for Upper Hunter @NatsforHunter (Twitter Page)
- Michael Langdon @Langdon4Bendigo (Twitter page)
- Michael Lester - Labor Candidate for North Shore
- Michael Mazengarb [Twitter]
- Michael McCormack @M_McCormack [Twitter page]
- Michael Neoh @CrMikeNeoh (Twitter page)
- Michael O'Brien @michaelobrienmp (Twitter page)
- Michael Osborne - Greens Senate Candidate NSW [Twitter page]
- Michael Regan - Independent candidate for Wakehurst (Twitter)
- Michael Rowland ABC @mjrowland68 (Twitter)
- Michael Stephens @michael70129546 (Twitter page)
- Michael Sukkar MP @MichaelSukkarMP [Twitter page]
- Michaelia Cash@SenatorCash (Twitter Page)
- Michelle Allen @poedgirl Twitter
- Michelle Blicavs @MichelleBlicavs [Twitter page]
- Michelle Dunscombe @MDunscombe (Twitter page)
- Michelle McIntosh @DrM_McIntosh (Twitter page)
- Michelle Rowland @MRowlandMP [Twitter page]
- Mick Veitch MLC - Labor @MickVeitchMLC (Twitter Page)
- Mike Baird State Member for Manly @mikebairdMP (Twitter Page)
- Mike Bowers (Twitter)
- Mike Cannon-Brookes [Twitter page]
- Mike Hall @mikehallsydney [Twitter page]
- Mike Kelly @MikeKellyofEM [Twitter page]
- Mildura Council @MilduraCouncil (Twitter page)
- Milton Dick (@MiltonDickMP) [on Twitter]
- Mina Zaki [Twitter]
- Minus 18 @minus18youth (Twitter page)
- Mitchell Bresser - Greens Candidate for Wollongong @Mitch_Bresser (Twitter Page)
- Mitchell Shire @MitchellShire (Twitter page)
- Molly Knight - Senate Candidate in NSW for the Health Australia Party [Twitter page]
- Monash City Council @MonashCouncil (Twitter page)
- Moonee Valley @mooneevalleycc (Twitter page)
- Moorabool Shire Council @mooraboolshire (Twitter page)