- Climate Change (508)
- Environmental Protection (2698)
- Forestry (320)
- Natural Disasters (620)
- Water (1376)
- Australia's early 21st century resources boom (119)
- Climate Change (414)
- Drought in Australia (2018-) (36)
- Electric vehicles (38)
- Fact sheets (Victoria. EPA Victoria) (11)
- Factsheets (Victoria. Commissioner Environmental Sustainability) (24)
- Factsheets (Victoria. Dept. of Sustainability and Environment) (25)
- International Year of Mountains, 2002 (3)
- Murray-Darling River and its Basin (120)
- Museum Victoria information sheets : fish (0)
- Museum Victoria information sheets : lizards found in Victoria (26)
- Museum Victoria information sheets : wasps (3)
- Naturalists and natural history groups (22)
- Our wildlife factsheets (Victoria. Dept. of Sustainability and Environment) (21)
- Park notes (Victoria. Parks Victoria) (13)
- Victoria. Dept. Primary Industries. Videos (7)
- Victoria. Dept. of Sustainability : [Sustainable precinct case studies ] (6)
- Victoria. Dept. of Sustainability and Environment : educational resources (14)
- Landcare notes : reducing cockatoo damage to crops
- Landcare notes : reducing cockatoo damage to fruit, nuts, grapes and flowers
- Landcare notes : reducing cockatoo damage to stored fodder, ripening crops and feedlots
- Landcare notes : reducing cockatoo damage to trees, fixtures, houses, sports grounds and the environment
- Landcare notes : revegetation of former pine plantation
- Landcare notes : shelterbelt design
- Landcare notes : shelterbelt management
- Landcare notes : shelterbelts and wildlife
- Landcare notes : shelterbelts for control of wind erosion
- Landcare notes : shelterbelts for livestock protection
- Landcare notes : using indigenous plants
- Landcare notes : values of native vegetation, biodiversity and ecosystem services
- Landcare notes : watercourse revegetation using indigenous plants
- Landcare notes : what permit do you need to collect local seed?
- Landcare notes : willow identification guide
- Landcare notes : willows along watercourses: an introduction
- Landcare notes : willows along watercourses: managing, removing and replacing
- Landcare notes : willows along watercourses: their impact compared to natives
- Landfill licensing guidelines
- Landfills exempt from licensing
- Landholders' guide to fodder harvesting applications
- Landholders' guide to the regrowth vegetation code
- Landlords and agents fact sheet : storage and abandonment of waste
- Landscape Australia
- Landscape change in the Meander Valley : a case study for monitoring and reporting of land use modification, vegetation condition and biodiversity loss : report to Meander Valley Council and Environment Australia
- Landscape guideline : landscape design and maintenance guidelines to improve the quality, safety and cost effectiveness of road corridor planting and seeding
- Landscape management in NSW schools
- Landscape of Blue Mountains rock-art : Wollemi National Park : phase 1
- Landscape planning for biodiversity conservation in agricultural regions : a case study from the wheatbelt of Western Australia
- Landscapes
- Landscapology
- Landslip hazard in Noosa Shire
- Lane Cove Tunnel : air quality and respiratory health study
- Lane Cove Tunnel Project
- Large containers ([greater than] 200L) contaminated with PIW
- Latency of tourism permits in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park - audit for the year 2000
- Latrobe Valley Field Naturalists Club
- Launceston Field Naturalists Club
- Lavoisier Group
- Lawn Hill Gorge, Boodjamulla (Lawn Hill) National Park
- Lawrence Hargrave Drive
- Lead in Victorian wetlands study : preliminary investigation
- Leadbeaters possum gymnobelideus leadbeateri : Flora and fauna guarantee act 1988
- Leadbeater's possum recommendations : report to the Minister for Environment and Climate Change and the Minister for Agriculture and Food Security
- Learn about Meteorology
- Learning about the behaviour of Victoria's snakes
- Learning for sustainability : NSW Environmental Education Plan
- Leichhardt Council development control plan no. 23 : Orphan School Creek
- Leighton regional planning guidelines
- Less Meat Less Heat
- Let's keep Frankston City beautiful - report illegally dumped rubbish
- Leuralla : showplace of the mountains
- Leveed deep drains : Conservation practices for agricultural land
- Licence management guidelines
- Life in the suburbs : promoting urban biodiversity in the ACT
- Life-cycle emissions analysis of alternative fuels for heavy vehicles
- Life-cycle emissions analysis of fuels for light vehicles
- Lightneasy : light, simple, practical
- Lindsay Humphry : a lifetime of healthy farming
- Lindsay Humphry : the importance of pasture plant diversity
- Lindsay Humphry : vermicast production from dairy waste
- Liquid assets
- Listen up! : answers to environmental questions : a research snapshot from Land & Water Australia
- Litchfield area plan : Northern Territory planning scheme.
- Literature review on the composting of composite wood composting trial
- Litter in your community
- LitterWatch Victoria
- Littering : that's rubbish
- Little Billabong
- Little Desert Nature Lodge
- Live energy smart
- Live on One Planet
- Liveable Melbourne
- Living Green Festival
- Living Wonders
- Living harbour
- Living sustainably at 200 Victoria Street
- Living systems - resource kit (for educators & facilitators)
- Living well within our environment : essential concepts for a sustainable future
- Living with Muir's corella
- Living with cliffs : Anglesea : case studies from Victoria's south-west coast : coastal management fact sheet
- Living with cliffs : Port Campbell : case studies from Victoria's south-west coast : coastal management fact sheet
- Living with cliffs : Portland : case studies from Victoria's south-west coast : coastal management fact sheet
- Living with cliffs : St Leonards : case studies from Victoria's coast : coastal management fact sheet
- Living with cliffs : case study : Portland coastal cliffs
- Living with cliffs : coastal cliff hazards and how we can manage them : coastal management fact sheet
- Living with drought (Melbourne Water)
- Living with fire : a community engagement framework 2008-2012
- Local Government Bill 2019
- Local Land Services - New South Wales
- Local government commercial recycling discussion paper
- Localising Agenda 21 : a guide to sustainable development for the APEC region
- Locational guidelines : development in the vicinity of operating coal seam methane wells
- Lock the Gate Alliance
- Log harvesting operations in New South Wales and Tasmania
- Logan City state of the environment report, 2001
- Logan and Beaudesert Bushwalkers
- Long paddock
- Long term management plan for dredging Lakes Entrance : 2010 - 2020
- Long-term containment facilities : the role of EPA Victoria