- Australian Automotive Industries (169)
- Bus enthusiasts (7)
- Car festivals (3)
- Electric vehicles (38)
- Four-wheel driving (2)
- Heritage trains and railways (13)
- Heritage vehicles and roadways (17)
- Level Crossing Removal Project (Victoria) (272)
- Maritime museums (7)
- Myki (15)
- New South Wales Rail Heritage (7)
- Rail trails (9)
- Train and railway enthusiasts (6)
- How North East Link will help jobs
- How North East Link will help the Freight Industry
- How many days since the Bayswater Bridge has been hit ?
- How many days since the Montague Bridge has been hit
- How the Metro Tunnel will free up space in the City Loop
- How to boat ramp like a boss
- How to build a tram
- How to make a submission on the Environment Effects Statement
- How to navigate the environment effects statement
- Human Transit
- Humber Car Club of Victoria
- Hunter Region road projects
- Hunter Valley Steamfest
- Hurstbridge and Mernda rail projects (Hurstbridge and Mernda rail upgrade budget announcement)
- Hurstbridge line projects construction update
- Hurstbridge line upgrade (Hurstbridge rail line upgrade)
- Hydrogen technology roadmap
- Hyundai Australia
- I voted for Light Rail (Twitter page)
- I was a teenage railfan
- IKON Glen Waverly development
- ITS Australia
- ITSQ : Intelligent Transport Systems Queensland
- Ida Bay Train : Australia’s Southern-most Railway, Lune River, Tasmania
- Implementation of the NSW Government's response to the Final Report of the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Waterfall Accident
- Important Information Coronavirus (COVID-19) update (Greyhound Australia)
- Improvements to Route 311 bus service : community consultation feedback report
- Improving Road Safety : Speed Cameras
- Improving rail safety in Victoria
- Improving safety management in Australia's bus industry ¿¿¿discussion document
- Improving transport Greensborough
- Imputing transport usage and expenditure onto the IPART household survey
- Incident investigation
- Independent Public Inquiry into a Long-Term Public Transport Plan for Sydney
- Independent Transport Safety and Reliability Regulator submission to Independent Pricing and Rregulatory Tribunal : Review of the interface between the land transport industries and the stevedores at Port Botany
- Independent review of Rail Infrastructure Corporation (RIC) : metropolitan maintenance funding and related issues
- Independent review of the management of technical faults with millennium train
- Index to appointments and removals of Queensland railway employees, June 1890 - June 1901
- Index to appointments and removals of employees of the Southern and Western Railway, Traffic Branch, Queensland (1866-1876)
- Indian Motorcycle Australia
- Indigenous storytelling at Ballarat Line Stations [Rail Projects Victoria]
- Infiniti Australia
- Information and advice on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) - Transport for NSW
- Information for bus safety operators
- Information for recreational boaters
- Information sheet / Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics
- Infrastructure Victoria (Yoursay site)
- Infrastructure planning and delivery
- Inglewood Station and goods shed official opening
- Inland Petroleum
- Inland Rail (ARTC)
- Inquiry into Ride Sourcing Sservices
- Inquiry into expanding Melbourne's free tram zone
- Inquiry into short term hire car licence fees
- Inquiry into the Road Safety Rules 2001 (Overtaking Bicycles) Bill 2015
- Integrated transport and land use plan
- Interactions between vessels and dolphins in Port Phillip Bay : final report
- Interim factual statement : Lapstone 1 March 2005 derailment
- Interim factual statement Wauchope : 7 March 2005 : derailment
- Interim guidelines for applicants : consideration of rail noise and vibration in the planning process
- Interim guidelines for councils : consideration of rail noise and vibration in the planning process
- Intermodal Logistics Centre at Enfield : environmental assessment
- Intermodal Logistics Centre at Enfield : preferred project report
- Intermodal logistics Centre at Enfield : project overview
- International Air Services Commission : 'Cases Completed' plus 'Determinations and Decisions'
- International Fellowship of Motorcycling Rotarians (IFMR) Australia
- International Tall Ships Festival 2013
- International Urban Design conference
- Introducing Arden : a new central city destination
- Introducing Better Boating Victoria
- Introducing Regional Roads Victoria
- Introducing RideSpace
- Introducing the Northern Expressway
- Introducing the new Gardiner Station
- Investigation into the possible health impacts of the M5 East Motorway Stack on the Turrella community: Phase 1 ¿ a cross sectional clinical assessment of potentially affected residents
- Investigation report into the grounding of MV Pasha Bulker and near grounding of MV Sea Confidence and MV Betis off Newcastle on 8 June 2007
- Is my airbag safe?
- Issues and comments raised by members of the public at Melbourne City Town Hall at the public meeting on 8 October 2013 from 5.30pm-7pm.
- Isuzu Australia
- It's a Super Spring on Victoria's Big Build [2023]
- It's more than cars
- It's time to move
- Iveco
- JET Charge | Australia's Electric Vehicle Charging Experts
- Jacinta Allan on PFAS contamined soil in Bacchus Marsh
- Jacinta Allan opens Ballarat Regional Rail Revival, Ballan
- Jackson Place remediation project: review of environmental factors
- Jaguar Australia
- James : machine operator [veterans in construction]
- Jeep Australia
- Jensen Car Club
- Joan breakthrough in Kensington
- Jobs & economy [Melbourne Metro Rail project]
- Jobs at Victoria's Big Build
- John's story : living on Rosanna Road
- Johnny's Pages : Old S.A.R. Shunter's Memories
- Join a Community Liaison Group
- Jordon's story : attracting more workers to local business
- Journey through the Metro Tunnel
- Journey through the Metro Tunnel