- Australian Automotive Industries (169)
- Bus enthusiasts (7)
- Car festivals (3)
- Electric vehicles (38)
- Four-wheel driving (2)
- Heritage trains and railways (13)
- Heritage vehicles and roadways (17)
- Level Crossing Removal Project (Victoria) (272)
- Maritime museums (7)
- Myki (15)
- New South Wales Rail Heritage (7)
- Rail trails (9)
- Train and railway enthusiasts (6)
- Blackburn Road, Blackburn : level crossing removal project (LXRA Blackburn animation)
- Blackburn Road, Blackburn level crossing removal
- Blackburn and Heatherdale Road drone footage : from early January to late January 2017
- Blade Electric Vehicles
- Blind Speed : Blindfold Motorcycle Land Speed Record
- Bloke on Bike : Cycling Australia's Backroads
- Blue Star Line
- Bob the Rockbank Station signalman
- Bodhi Bus
- Boeing Australia
- Bolwell Car Club of Australia
- Bonbeach : Station Street / Bondi Road level crossing
- Bonza Airline
- Boom gate removal : Ormond, McKinnon and Bentleigh
- Boundary Road Project
- Boycott Connex
- Brabham Automotive
- Breaking Ground : Our TBMs are going to Town (Hall Station)
- Breaking Ground : Tunnelling under the Yarra River
- Breaking ground : Eastern tunnel entrance breakthrough
- Breaking ground : Parkville Station deck construction
- Breaking ground : TBM assembly
- Breaking ground : TBMs break through in Kensington
- Breaking ground : acoustic shed construction at City Square
- Breaking ground : cut, cover and concrete at South Yarra
- Breaking ground : digging a new Domain
- Breaking ground : launching TBMs at Anzac Station
- Breaking ground : moving our TBMS through Parkville Station [Rail Projects Victoria]
- Breaking ground : void excavation at Anzac Station
- Breaking ground RIA South Yarra
- Breakthrough under Buckley Street
- Bridging the Gap :towards a better understanding of target Cohort Belief Systems
- Bright Rod & Kustom Club Inc.
- Bright Vehicle Preservation Society
- Bringelly Road Upgrade
- Bringelly Road upgrade: Camden Valley Way to The Northern Road: Submissions Report
- Brisbane Airport : 100 years 1925-2025
- Brisbane Airport Corporation
- Brisbane CBD Bicycle User Group
- Brisbane City Centre Master Plan 2006 : a vision for the future of our city's centre
- Brisbane City Plan 2000
- Brisbane Floods 2022 / Wilson Parking
- Brisbane Long Term Infrastructure Plan 2012-2031
- Brisbane Metro | Brisbane City Council
- Brisbane Tramway Museum
- Brisbane Transport Buses: the enthusiasts guide to Brisbane Transport
- Brisbane Valley Rail Trail
- Brisbane urban corridor strategy 2007
- Brisbane-Cairns corridor strategy 2007
- Brisbane-Darwin corridor strategy 2007
- Brisbane’s Inner City Strategy | Brisbane City Council
- Bristol Owners Club Of Australia
- BrizCommuter
- Broadmeadow transport interchange : Feasability study
- Broadwater Marine Project
- Brock Commodore Owners Association of Australia Inc.
- Brunetti Cafe on Flinders Lane
- Buckle me up: Child Seatbelt Reminder
- Buckley Street, Essendon closed between Mt Alexander Road and Daisy Street
- Buckley Street, Essendon level crossing removal project [how will traffic move in the area]
- Bugatti Club Australia
- Buick Car Club Of Australia (Victoria)
- Buick Car Club of Australia Inc. in NSW
- Building Hawkstowe Station, August 2017
- Building Mernda Station, August 2017
- Building Middle Gorge Station, February 2018
- Building bigger, better trains : meet Michael
- Building megaprojects in megacities
- Building new high capacity metro trains : jobs for Victorians
- Building the new Frankston Station [the new Frankston Station is coming...]
- Bulleen park & ride [North East Link]
- BulletTrainAustralia @BulletTrainAust (Twitter page)
- Bunjil Energy installing solar panels on the Ballarat Line upgrade
- Burke Road bridge deck construction
- Burke Road bridge deck construction : timelapse
- Burke Road level crossing removal : timelapse footage - January 2016
- Burke Road reopens : minus the level crossing
- Burke Road, Glen Iris level crossing removal project
- Burma Thailand Railway Memorial Association
- Bus & Coach Association (BCA NSW) Photo Gallery (Ken Magor collection)
- Bus Australia
- Bus Interchange
- Bus and Coach Society of Victoria
- Bus interchange at Wallan Station
- Bus replacement services : Frankston Line : replacement bus services in action
- Bus safety : maximum number of passengers
- Bus safety investigation interim factual statement : bus accident Jamberoo Mountain Road 5 September 2005
- Bus safety investigation interim factual statement : bus collision Spit Road Mosman 14 November 2005
- Bus safety investigation report : Dyson Group school bus collision with tree, Doreen, 2 September 2009
- Bus safety investigation report : Gosford 8 June 2004 : sudden brake application resulted in multiple injuries
- Bus safety investigation report : STA bus collision Spit Road, Mosman, 14 November 2005
- Bus safety investigation report : Woodpark 3 March 2004 : air brake failure on bus resulting in a collision
- Bus safety investigation report : collision : school bus with truck, Nullawarre, 18 November 2009
- Bus safety investigation report : fatal bus accident - Jubo Travel, Jamberoo Mountain Road, 5 September, 2005
- Bus safety investigation report : fatal injuries sustained by a pedestrian struck by a Veolia bus, Kensington and Montgomery Street, Kogarah, 2 May 2006
- Bus safety investigation report : run off road : V/Line passenger bus, Ouyen, 30 November 2010
- Bus safety investigation report : systematic investigation into an alleged "blind spot" on Mark II and Mark III Mercedes-badged buses operated by the State Transit Authority
- Bus safety news
- BusNSW : Bus & Coach Association NSW - Election Action Plan
- Buslink