- Emission estimation technique manual for aggregated emissions from aircraft
- Emission estimation technique manual for aggregated emissions from architectural surface coatings
- Emission estimation technique manual for aggregated emissions from barbeques
- Emission estimation technique manual for aggregated emissions from commercial ships/boats and recreational boats
- Emission estimation technique manual for aggregated emissions from cutback bitumen
- Emission estimation technique manual for aggregated emissions from domestic gaseous fuel burning
- Emission estimation technique manual for aggregated emissions from domestic lawn mowing
- Emission estimation technique manual for aggregated emissions from domestic/commercial solvent and aerosol use
- Emission estimation technique manual for aggregated emissions from dry cleaning
- Emission estimation technique manual for aggregated emissions from fuel combustion (sub-threshold)
- Emission estimation technique manual for aggregated emissions from motor vehicle refinishing
- Emission estimation technique manual for aggregated emissions from motor vehicles
- Emission estimation technique manual for aggregated emissions from paved and unpaved roads
- Emission estimation technique manual for aggregated emissions from prescribed burning and wildfires
- Emission estimation technique manual for aggregated emissions from printing and graphic arts
- Emission estimation technique manual for aggregated emissions from railways
- Emission estimation technique manual for aggregated emissions from service stations
- Emission estimation technique manual for aggregated emissions from use of industrial solvents (sub-threshold)
- Emission estimation technique manual for airports
- Emission estimation technique manual for defence facilities
- Emission estimation technique manual for malting processes
- Emission estimation technique manual for the aquaculture of barramundi, prawns, crocodiles, pearl oysters, red claw and tropical abalone in tropical Australia
- Emission reduction fund
- Energy Change Institute Australian National University
- Energy and equity : preparing households for climate change efficiency, equity, immediacy
- Enhancing the resilience of seaports to a changing climate: research synthesis and implications for policy and practice
- Ensay Bushfire Community meeting
- Environment and the impact of climate change
- Evaluation of the Victorian 5 star building standard
- Exploring local narratives of environmental change and adaptation
- Extinction Rebellion Australia
- Extinction Rebellion South Australia
- Facilitating adaptation lessons learnt from engaging and supporting the primary healt h and community services sector in climate change adaptation
- Facilitating the use of research in policy development and implementation : final report July 2014
- Farmers for Climate Action
- Federal Budget 2018-19 : implication for energy and climate response (Energetics)
- Federal Budget Response 2023 - Solar Citizens
- Federal Budget Submission 2015-16 (Prosper Australia)
- Final report : decision taking in times of uncertainty : towards an efficient strategy to manage risk and uncertainty in climate change adaptation
- Final report : responding to the Urban heat island : a policy and institutional analysis
- Fitzgerald Biosphere Group Inc FBG
- Fossil Ad Ban - Ban fossil fuel ads and sponsorships
- Four degrees or more? Conference, Australia in a hot world
- Freight transport and climate change : exposures and opportunities
- Frontier Impact Group
- Fusion Australia
- Galileo Movement
- Garnaut Climate Change Review
- Gelantipy Bushfire Community meeting
- Getting the best care to sick Victorian kids
- Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund
- Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund @FundGippsland [Twitter page]
- Giving Victorians a voice on climate change : report debut with Libby Buckingham [video]
- Global Climate Change week
- Global Warming Issues
- Global Warming and Climate Change : what Australia knew and buried... then framed a new reality for the public
- Global climate leadership review 2013
- Graham Readfearn : sustainability, climate change, environment, coffee and stuff
- Green Cross Australia
- Green our grid
- Green wedges coalition
- Greenhouse Action Plan (Eurobodalla Shire Council)
- Greenhouse Gas Reduction Action Plan (City of Canterbury)
- Greenhouse Gas Reduction Scheme
- Greenhouse Purchasing Action Plan (Penrith City Council)
- Greenhouse Reduction Actions in Liverpool (Liverpool City Council)
- Greenhouse gas reduction targets in the ACT
- Greenhouse.WA
- Harden Up: Protecting Queensland
- Hawkesbury Lower Nepean Catchment blueprint : a plan for sustainable management of our natural resources
- Health Impacts of Climate Change: NSW Health Adaptation Project
- Health impacts of climate change : adaptation strategies for Western Australia
- Honest government ad : COP 26 Climate Summit
- How Edgar's mission are preparing for the fire season
- How does government support integrated land scape management in regional Victoria under climate change
- I Am Real : Support Climate Action
- Impact by degrees
- Impacts of Climate Change on Natural Hazards Profiles
- Incident Controller at Bairnsdale Andy Gillham
- Increasing Queensland's resilience to inland flooding in a changing climate : final Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) report
- Increasing Queensland's resilience to inland flooding in a changing climate : final report on the Inland Flooding Study
- Increasing Queensland's resilience to inland flooding in a changing climate : policy options for incorporating climate change into the flood risk management framework in Gayndah (North Burnett Regional Council)
- Increasing the resilience of the Australian alpine flora to climate change and associated threats: A plant functional traits approach : final report
- Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units (aka Chubb Review)
- Independent evaluation of alternative climate change policies against the Australian Industry Group's Climate Change Policy Principles
- Indian Ocean Climate Initiative - Western Australia
- Indigenous Carbon Industry Network
- Infrastructure interdependencies and business-level impacts : a new approach to climate risk assessment
- Inquiry into climate change and environmental impacts on coastal communities
- Institute for Sustainable Futures | University of Technology Sydney
- International Symposium on Sea Ice in a Changing Environment
- Investor Group on Climate Change Australia/New Zealand
- Ironbark Sustainability
- It's time to do more on climate change
- Jerry Coleby-Williams
- JoNova
- Joelle Gergis
- Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management Board
- Katrin Meissner
- Keeping Melbourne moving [Youtube video]