- Keeping Melbourne moving [Youtube video]
- Kinesis
- Lakes in the western district of Victoria and climate change
- Leading adaptation practices and support strategies for Australia: an international and Australian review of products and tools
- Learning from Indigenous knowledge for improved natural resource management in the Barmah - Millewa in a changing and variable climate
- Lethal Humidity
- Life After Coal – Exploring what life after coal could look like for Australia
- Living Wonders
- Living smart acting on climate change
- Local Government Climate Emergency Toolkit
- Locals into Victoria's Environment
- Love Water Don't Waste It
- Low Carbon Tasmania Issues Paper
- Low Emission Technology Australia | LETA
- Making decisions for the future : climate change the Premier's climate change action statement May 2007
- Management of carry-over restrictions, the commitment period reserve and banking, price caps and export restrictions
- Managing Australian landscapes in a changing climate : a climate change primer for regional natural resource management bodies
- Managing the Unavoidable while Avoiding the Unmanageable : climate policy tests for the 2013 federal election
- Managing urban stormwater : soils and construction
- Manufacturing Australia
- March 4 Earth
- Mass Mailout for Climate
- Media conference, 6 January 2020, air quality
- Milking the weather
- Mount Taylor community briefing 3 Jan [2020]
- Movement monitor
- Multi-Party Climate Change Committee
- Museum of Underwater Art
- NCCARF Policy Guidance Briefs
- NSW Climate Change Fund annual report
- NSW Community Climate Summit
- NSW Greenhouse plan
- NSW Lightning Bolt
- NSW State Seasonal Update
- National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility
- National Climate Emergency Summit
- National Congress of Women
- New energy network infrastructure and the climate change challenge report
- New vechicles for alphine brigades
- Nillumbik Climate Action Team
- No carbon tax
- Noosa Climate Change Response Plan
- North West Communities for Climate Action Day Conference : Day 1 - NAGA
- North West Communities for Climate Action Day Conference : Day 2 1130 - Stream 1
- North West Communities for Climate Action Day Conference : Day 2 1130 - Stream 2
- Office of climate change
- Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator
- Open submission to the Garnaut Climate Change Review
- Operating in limits : defining an Australian carbon budget
- Our Future World - CSIRO
- Our Islands Our Home
- Overpowering : why the carbon price will have a limited impact in reducing electricity emissions
- Past, present and future landscapes: understanding alternative futures for climate change adaptation of coastal settlements and communities : final report
- Peron Naturaliste Partnership
- Plan Melbourne refresh information sheet : building resilience to climate change
- Plan for your animals during fire season
- Planning for a cooler future : green infrastructure to reduce urban heat
- Planning for sea level rise : assessing development in areas prone to tidal inundation from sea level rise in the Port Phillip and Westernport region.
- Pollute-o-meter
- Port Phillip Emergency Climate Action Network : Advocating for strong local action
- Port Stephens and Myall Lakes Estuary Management Plan
- Post carbon pathways : reviewing post carbon economy transition strategies
- Potential effects of climate change on forests and forestry in Australia
- Potential impacts of climate change on the Swan and Canning rivers
- Precarious Climate
- Premier's Climate Change Council Annual Reports
- Premier's Council on Climate Change reports : working papers and Queensland government responses
- Primary Industries Climate Challenges Centre
- Project report : design - led decision support for regional climate adaptation
- Prospering in a Changing Climate: a climate change adaptation framework for South Australia August 2012
- Protectecting the environment / Sydney Ports
- Psychology for a Safe Climate
- Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (@QldFES) [on Twitter]
- Queensland's 2035 Clean Economy Pathway : 75% by 2035
- Queensland's emissions profile : National Greenhouse Gas Inventory
- REenergise | Ranks major companies on their progress to 100% renewable energy
- Rachel's Farm • Regenerators
- Rakali
- Realising knowledge: science and research in the South Australian Department for Environment and Heritage
- Reclaim the Void: weaving country whole
- Reducing Australia's greenhouse gas emissions - targets and progress review - final report
- Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program (RRAP)
- Reef Watch South Australia: the first decade of community reef monitoring
- Reef on the brink : the threat to Australia's natural wonder (The Guardian)
- Repeal of the Carbon Tax : exposure draft legislation and consultation paper
- Repealing the carbon tax
- Repower Port Augusta
- Rethinking disaster risk management and climate change adaptation
- Review of model by law hanging of washing : report to the Minister for Fair Trading (Strata Schemes Management Act 1996)
- Rewiring Australia
- Rising Tide Australia : the combat against climate change
- Risks from climate change to indigenous communities in the tropical north of Australia
- Royal Geographical Society of South Australia
- Ruby Fire Brigades aids in East Gippsland firefight
- SEARCH: South Eastern Australian Recent Climate History
- Sapna South Asian Climate Solidarity
- Save Solar, Vote Solar in Canning Election
- Say yes to a price on carbon pollution and a cleaner Australia
- Scenarios for climate adaptation : final report