- Australian Republic Debate (32)
- Centenary of Federation (38)
- Constitution & Referenda (14)
- Family History & Genealogy (369)
- Local History (1129)
- Military History (517)
- 1998 Constitutional Convention and Australian Republic Debate (30)
- Area studies associations (11)
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) (411)
- Bicentenary of Western Australia, 1829 - 2029 (2)
- Bob Hawke (1929-2019) (19)
- Endeavour 1770 - Encounters 2020 (250 year anniversary of Cook's Endeavour encounters in Australia) (33)
- Heritage trains and railways (13)
- Heritage vehicles and roadways (17)
- Historic gold mining plots (77)
- Historic gold mining sites (34)
- Maritime museums (7)
- Museum Victoria information sheets : Bats (2)
- Museum Victoria information sheets : ships of Station Pier (5)
- Museums (17)
- National Library of Australia online exhibitions (47)
- Papua New Guinea (43)
- Queensland's sesquicentennial celebrations, 2009 (31)
- Society for Creative Anachronism in Australia (59)
- State Library of Queensland exhibitions and online showcases (64)
- State Library of Victoria online exhibitions (8)
- Treasures and curios (State Library of Victoria) (24)
- Project 6029
- Prom Country History
- Prospect Hill Community Association
- Provincial China
- Public history review
- Q150 : Queensland's 150th celebrations 2009
- Q150 statistical collection
- Q150 timeline
- QR journey
- QSIIS update
- Qantas Foundation Memorial
- Qantas Founders Museum
- Qtopia Sydney - The home of Queer History and Culture
- Quartz Reef Mine and shallow alluvial sinkings
- Queen's Park Clunes
- Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
- Queensland Air Museum
- Queensland Energy Museum
- Queensland Fire Museum
- Queensland Health Q150 events
- Queensland Historic Motoring Council
- Queensland History of Racing
- Queensland Maritime Museum
- Queensland Migration Heritage Hub
- Queensland Museum
- Queensland Museum
- Queensland Rail Heritage
- Queensland Sports Museum
- Queensland past and present : 100 years of statistics 1896-1996
- Queer, Australia's homosexual history conference 2017
- RAAF Pearce : Australia's pilot training base
- RSL education
- RTA heritage guidelines
- Rabbit Proof Fence
- Radical Sydney / radical history
- Radical tradition : an Australasian history page
- Raglan - Beaufort goldfields
- RailTasmania
- Rationale Magazine
- Raywood Reservoir
- Reading Victoria blog
- Reason in revolt : source documents of Australian radicalism
- Recommendations for local council heritage management
- Reconcile: it's all our story
- Red Cliffs & District Historical Society Inc.
- Red globe light, liquor green
- Redcastle Creek cyanide works
- Redress WA: acknowledging the past
- Regent Arcade
- Remember when
- Remembering & Healing Inc.
- Remembrance Driveway
- Report of the Post-Armistice Korean Service Review 1968
- Report on the community based heritage study of the former Coonabarabran Shire
- Report to the Minister Assisting the Minister For Defence by the Independent Review Panel on Vietnam Campaign Recognition for RAAF Service at Ubon, Thailand, 25 June 1965 to 31 August 1968
- Research paper (Northern Territory Library)
- Research sheet : wood borers you should know
- Resource Management in Asia-Pacific Program (RMAP) Working Papers
- Revenue & Railway Stamps of Australia
- Review of historical archaeology planning systems and practice in NSW
- Review of the National Museum of Australia : its exhibitions and public programs
- Reviews in Australian studies
- Revising the Mihalic Project : Tok Pisin collaborative on-line dictionary
- Revival, renewal & return : Ray Kelly & the NSW Sites of Significance Survey
- Richard Juzwin Stamps
- Richmond & Burnley Historical Society Inc.
- Robert Haldane
- Robin Linke Stamp Dealer
- Robinson Crusoe Cymreig = A Welsh Robinson Crusoe
- Rock art research (journal)
- Rolls-Royce Owners Club of Australia Western Australia Branch
- Rolls-Royce Owners' Club of Australia Queensland Branch
- Romantic Studies Association of Australasia
- Roseville Public School 60 Plus Reunion
- Ross Thorne
- Rowany Festival
- Rowville-Lysterfield History Project
- Royal Australian Armoured Corps Association Vic. Branch
- Royal Australian Historical Society
- Royal College and Confraternity of Scribes and Illuminators of the Kingdom of Lochac
- Royal Geographical Society of South Australia
- Rugbeia
- RugbyFootballHistory.com
- Rupert Gerritsen
- Rural graves in the ACT : a historical context and interpretation
- Rushworth / Maranga / north mining division
- Ruth A. Morgan
- S G Bryant: author
- SA TV Snapshot programmes
- SCA Lochac Awards - Canon Lore
- SPELD NSW literacy skills for students with specific learning difficulties : an innovative package for classroom teachers of primary students with specific learning difficulties
- Safe Routes Pilot Poject : final report
- Safety regulation of heritage railway operators : discussion paper
- Sailing ship the India lost at sea 1841
- Salt attack and rising damp : a giuide to salt damp in historic and older buildings
- Salt attack and rising damp : a guide to salt damp in historic and older buildings
- Salute to Vietnam Veterans: 40th anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan, 17-20 August 2006
- Saucy Jacky : A Ripper of a site (Brett McBean)
- Save the Cerberus Alliance