- Australian Republic Debate (32)
- Centenary of Federation (38)
- Constitution & Referenda (14)
- Family History & Genealogy (369)
- Local History (1129)
- Military History (517)
- 1998 Constitutional Convention and Australian Republic Debate (30)
- Area studies associations (11)
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) (411)
- Bicentenary of Western Australia, 1829 - 2029 (2)
- Bob Hawke (1929-2019) (19)
- Endeavour 1770 - Encounters 2020 (250 year anniversary of Cook's Endeavour encounters in Australia) (33)
- Heritage trains and railways (13)
- Heritage vehicles and roadways (17)
- Historic gold mining plots (77)
- Historic gold mining sites (34)
- Maritime museums (7)
- Museum Victoria information sheets : Bats (2)
- Museum Victoria information sheets : ships of Station Pier (5)
- Museums (17)
- National Library of Australia online exhibitions (47)
- Papua New Guinea (43)
- Queensland's sesquicentennial celebrations, 2009 (31)
- Society for Creative Anachronism in Australia (59)
- State Library of Queensland exhibitions and online showcases (64)
- State Library of Victoria online exhibitions (8)
- Treasures and curios (State Library of Victoria) (24)
- Car Badges of Australia
- Carman's tunnel : great international mine
- Carnamah Historical Society
- Carnarvon Tracking Station 1964-1975 : Keeping the Memory Alive
- Carrick Hill
- Casey Cardinia remembers
- Casselden Place Archeology Project
- Cavalcade of History and Fashion
- Ceara Shionnach | Ginger Mischief's SCAdian A&S Adventures
- Celebrate 140 years : all aboard for QR's 140th birthday!
- Celebrating 150 years of NSW rail transport
- Centenary of ANZAC 2014-2018
- Central Sydney archaeological zoning plan
- Centre for Environmental History at the Australian National University
- Chainletter : Founders and Survivors newsletter
- Chalo Jahaji: on a journey through indenture in Fiji
- Changing coastlines: putting Australia on the world map, 1493-1993
- Charles Eaton : Wake for the Melancholy Shipwreck
- Charles Evans' diary
- Charles Joseph La Trobe : landscapes and sketches
- Charlie Company, 3 RAR, Vietnam, 1971
- Charlton Museum
- Chauvel Cinema
- Chelsea & District Historical Society
- Chifley Home
- Child's play
- Chiltern - Rutherglen goldfield
- China Heritage Quarterly
- Chinese Australian history in 88 objects
- Chinese Shoes
- Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies
- Chinese settlement in NSW : a thematic history
- Chinese-Australian Historical Images in Australia (CHIA)
- Chloe Okoli : history is the story you tell
- Cinema and Theatre Historical Society Victoria Inc.
- Cinetel Productions Pty Ltd
- Circus Joseph Ashton
- Classic Holden Cars
- Classics and Ancient History Society (University of Queensland)
- Clunes Museum
- Clunes goldfield
- Coal Creek Community Park and Museum
- Cockatrice - The Arts & Science Journal for the Kingdom of Lochac of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
- Coinworks
- Collab - Supporting innovation, new knowledge and entrepreneurship across Adelaide’s cultural precinct
- Collection Snapshots: Aboriginal Subsistence Strategies in Arid Australia
- College of Blessed Herman the Cripple (Society for Creative Anachronism at Adelaide University)
- College of Saint Andronicus (Society for Creative Anachronism at the University of Canberra)
- College of St Aldhelm (Society for Creative Anachronism at the Australian National University)
- College of St Basil the Great (Society for Creative Anachronism at the University of Western Australia)
- College of St Christina the Astonishing (Society for Creative Anachronism at Flinders University)
- College of St Malachy (Society for Creative Anachronism at the University of Wollongong)
- College of St Monica (Society for Creative Anachronism at Monash University)
- College of St Ursula (Society for Creative Anachronism at Sydney University)
- Collingwood Historical Society Inc.
- Combat archery – Archery in Lochac
- Come meet the Banabans
- Come the Revolution : Comment, Analysis, Viewpoints
- Community attitudes : ageing and older Australians
- Community guide (Flemington Association)
- Community map North East fires 13 Dec 2006, 2315 hours
- Community-based heritage studies : a guide
- Comparative genocide bibliographies
- Comprehensive report of the special advisor to the DCI on Iraq's WMD
- Concise guide to the State Archives (3rd ed.)
- Connies
- Conquering the Highlands A history of the afforestation of the Scottish uplands
- Conserving a 19th century charcoal portrait
- Conserving a historic theatrical poster
- Conserving historic signs : conservation guidelines for historic signs and new signs on heritage buildings
- Converge Heritage + Community
- Convicts to Australia
- Cooee : Australia in the 19th century
- Cook 250 - Inside Story essays
- Cook 250 - oral accounts illuminate past
- Cook 250 has been destroyed by the shame industry - and that is something we should be ashamed of (Terry Barnes, The Spectator)
- Cook 250 in 1770
- Cook and Omai : the cult of the South Seas
- Cook and the Pacific
- Cook's 250 years not cause for celebration - National Indigenous Times
- Cook250 (The Conversation)
- Cooktown Discovery Festival
- Copyright and Cartography
- Cornish Association of Bendigo and District
- Cornish Association of New South Wales
- Cornish Association of Victoria
- Corporal punishment in Queensland state schools
- Coryong goldfield
- Council of Australasian Museum Directors
- Council of Tramway Museums of Australasia
- Country and landscape
- Courtly Arts : performing arts from the European courts from the 13th to the 17th centuries
- Craft, trade or mystery : part one - Britain from Gothic cathedrals to the Tolpuddle conspirators
- Creswick goldfield
- Crete and El Alamein: IWM/AWM Study Tour 2002
- Criminal characters : investigating the lives of historical offenders in Australia
- Cross-sections
- Crossing the Pacific: the flight of the Southern Cross 1928
- Crossroads : an interdisciplinary journal for the study of history, philosophy, religion and classics
- Cultural Conversations