- Australian Republic Debate (32)
- Centenary of Federation (38)
- Constitution & Referenda (14)
- Family History & Genealogy (369)
- Local History (1129)
- Military History (517)
- 1998 Constitutional Convention and Australian Republic Debate (30)
- Area studies associations (11)
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) (411)
- Bicentenary of Western Australia, 1829 - 2029 (2)
- Bob Hawke (1929-2019) (19)
- Endeavour 1770 - Encounters 2020 (250 year anniversary of Cook's Endeavour encounters in Australia) (33)
- Heritage trains and railways (13)
- Heritage vehicles and roadways (17)
- Historic gold mining plots (77)
- Historic gold mining sites (34)
- Maritime museums (7)
- Museum Victoria information sheets : Bats (2)
- Museum Victoria information sheets : ships of Station Pier (5)
- Museums (17)
- National Library of Australia online exhibitions (47)
- Papua New Guinea (43)
- Queensland's sesquicentennial celebrations, 2009 (31)
- Society for Creative Anachronism in Australia (59)
- State Library of Queensland exhibitions and online showcases (64)
- State Library of Victoria online exhibitions (8)
- Treasures and curios (State Library of Victoria) (24)
- Fears & phobias: E.L. Piesse and the problem of Japan, 1909-39
- Federation Home
- Federation frontline
- Federation house
- Federation of Australia
- Federation of Australian Historical Societies
- Federation-House
- Fellowship of First Fleeters
- Female Convicts Research Centre
- Fibre Guild of Lochac
- Fifthfleet.net
- Finance 2006 : financial reports of higher education providers
- Find and Connect Australian orphanages, children's Homes & other institutions
- Fire Services Museum Victoria
- Fitzroy Gardens
- Flags Australia
- Flemington community Kensington community
- Flight of ducks
- Flinders Archaeology Blog
- Flinders Ranges Research and South Australian History
- Flyer & salvage
- Footnote : UQ Modern History Society Journal
- Forced Adoptions History Project
- Forestry and Water Conservation in South Africa
- Forging Antiquity: Authenticity, forgery and fake papyri
- Forging The Nation: Federation - the first 20 years
- Fort Scratchley Strategic Plan and Plans of Management (Newcastle City Council
- Foster & Turton's Creek goldfield notes
- Foundation Park, Gloucester Walk, The Rocks [archaeological landscape interpretation]
- Francis McNamara 1811-1861
- Freedom Then, Freedom Now
- Freedom ride : a freedomrider remembers : endnotes to the book
- Freestone, Gladstone and Lees Creek historical notes
- Fremantle Prison (includes convict database)
- Freycinet
- Friends of Kurth Kiln Group
- Friends of Mawson
- Friends of the Orphan Schools, St John's Park Precinct New Town
- Friends of the Queensland Police Museum
- FriendsConvictShip.com
- Fringe city and contested countryside : population trends and policy developments around Sydney
- From The Loft...of the Justice and Police Museum
- Fryer's Co. mine
- Gaffneys Creek goldfield : historical notes
- Gallipoli Centenary Peace Campaign
- Gary Yia Lee
- Gawler History
- Gay in the 80s
- Geelong smart move
- Gender and sexual politics: Changing citizenship in Australia since 1969
- Gentle and Fierce - Album
- Geoff Goodall's Aviation History Site
- Geografi Australia
- George Raper collection
- German Gully
- German missionaries in Queensland : a web-directory of intercultural encounters
- Gibbo goldfield notes
- Gillian Polack
- Glebe Park : master plan report block 2 section 65 city
- Golden Dragon Museum
- Golden Gully alluvial workings
- Golden Oldies Truck Club
- Golf Society of Australia
- Governor Macquarie 1810-2010
- Governors' wives in colonial Australia
- Graduate employability skills
- Gramophone Man
- Granya goldfield
- Great Artesian Basin
- Great Artesian Basin
- Great North Road Convict Trail
- Great Northern War
- Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia
- Group of miners
- Guide to the heritage system
- Guidelines for change and development of heritage places of worship
- Guidelines for conducting historical archeological surveys
- Guidelines for heritage trails
- Guidelines for nominations to the State Heritage register
- Guidelines for photographic recording of heritage items
- Guild of Tailors, Haberdashers and Mercers of the Kingdom of Lochac
- Guild of the Silver Rondel – The Dance Guild of the SCA Kindom of Lochac
- Gum San, Chinese Heritage Centre : Australia's newest cultural experience
- HASA : Historical Archives of Slovenians in Australia
- HAT-archive.com : the history of Australian theatre
- HC NSW bulletin (History Council of NSW)
- HMAS Mildura : J207
- HMAS Shropshire by Stan Nicholls
- HMQS Gayundah : home of the Queensland gunboats Gayundah and Paluma
- HMVS Cerberus
- HMVS Cerberus : life on a Victorian man-of-war
- HMVS Cerberus : the breastwork monitor Cerberus : British monitors vs American monitors
- Half lives
- Halifax Appreciation Society
- Hamlet of Radburne (Society for Creative Anachronism in Dubbo)
- Hand Tool Preservation Association of Australia
- Handwritten
- Hanes mordaith o amgylch y ddaear = Account of a voyage around the world
- Hargrave : saluting 150 years of Australian aviation history
- Haunted Stream goldfield notes