- Rebuilding connections : creating opportunities for socially isolated older Australians
- Reconnecting the customer : response to the Australian communications and media authority's draft public inquiry report
- Red Rose Foundation
- Redcliffe Youth Space
- Redress Scheme
- Reducing juvenile offending in Western Australia
- Reducing reoffending : focusing on re-entry to the community : report on a visit to England, Norway, Denmark, Belgium and France
- Reducing the risks : improving access to home contents and vehicle insurance for low-income Australians
- Refugees and regional settlement : balancing priorities
- Refugees in the labour market : looking for cost effective models of assistance
- Regional Victorial jobs in crisis
- Regional homelessness action plan 2010-2014 (Housing NSW)
- Register.Find.Reunite (Australian Red Cross)
- Relationships Australia Queensland
- Religion and Family Harmony Project ¿¿¿Western Sydney Region
- Religious diversity in Australia
- Renegade Activists | at the heart of every just cause is the cause of justice
- Report for the NSW Child Death Review Team on measuring socioeconomic status
- Report of the Betting Exchange Task Force
- Report of the review of allegations of sexual and other abuse in Defence
- Report on findings from 2006-07 social justice initiative survey
- Report on the NTER redesign engagement strategy and implementation : final report
- Report on the Northern Territory emergency response redesign consultations
- Report on the bullying of autistic children and their families and caregivers in Australian educational and care settings
- Report on the use of restrictive interventions, behaviour support plans and supervised treatment orders
- Report on young driver safety and education programs
- Report racism : racism is not ok
- Report to the Minister for Youth on social inclusion and young Muslim people
- Report to the Minister for Youth on young carers and education
- Reports resulting from the Forde Commission of Inquiry into Abuse of Children in Queensland Institutions
- Research - Queensland Shelter
- Research on abuse of older people from a non-English speaking background
- Research publication (New South Wales. Corrective Services. Corrective Research Evaluation & Statistics (CRES))
- Research snaphot (Benevolent Society of NSW)
- Research to practice briefing
- Resilient Community Facilities Project - ComBAT
- Resolution Institute
- Resources for quality practice : no to violence
- Respect Victoria
- Respect Victoria launches strategic plan March 2019
- Responding to children under ten who display problematic sexualised behaviour or sexually abusive behaviour : issues paper
- Responding to homelessness : submission in response to the FaHCSIA green paper
- Response by the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation to the children on Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) lands commission of inquiry: a report into sexual abuse
- Response to "Grey areas : age barriers to work in Commonwealth laws" discussion paper
- Response to Australian energy regulator (AER) issues paper on retail energy pricing information guidelines
- Response to Racism (Speech Pathology Australia)
- Response to Supporting customers avoiding labels the ESC Energy Hardship Inquiry Draft Report
- Response to grey areas: age barriers to work in Commonwealth laws (Australian Law Reform Commission inquiry)
- Response to review of the disability standards for accessible public transport 2002 - Draft Report
- Response to sexual assault : interagency guidelines for responding to adult victims of sexual assault
- Response to the "Stronger futures for all young Victorians" discussion paper on the youth transitions system
- Response to the Department of Justice discussion paper "Practical lessons, fair consequences: improving diversion for young people in Victoria"
- Response to the productivity commission draft report : caring for older adults
- Response to the productivity commission's early childhood development workforce issues paper
- Response to treasury options paper on unfair terms in insurance contracts
- Responsible Gambling Advocacy Centre
- Responsible Gambling Fund Client annual report
- Responsible Gambling Ministerial Advisory Council Annual Report
- Responsible gambling register
- Rethink the Link
- Review by the Ombudsman of the planning and support provided by Community Services to a group of young people leaving statutory care : final report
- Review of Alcoholic Beverages that may target Young People
- Review of NSW Health domestic violence policy : discussion paper
- Review of a group of children aged 10 to 14 in out-of-home care and under the parental responsibility of the Minister for Community Services
- Review of bystander approaches in support in preventing violence against women : preventing violence against women by increasing participation in respectful relationships
- Review of children on statutory care orders with a view to restoration
- Review of existing Australian and international cyber-safety research
- Review of the Problem Gambling Treatment and Support Service provided by Life Activities Inc
- Rewrite the story : let's end domestic & family violence
- Right to Food Coalition
- Risk and reality : access to general insurance for people on low incomes
- Road Accident Action Group Inc.
- Roadmap for reform : safe children will achieve the best possible outcomes for children and their families, now and in the future
- Rod tells Denis, "Naptimes Over1"
- Roebuck Bay Working Group
- Ron's story : asbestos
- Roses in the Ocean
- Routine screening for domestic violence program : snapshot report 3 and snapshot report 4.
- Routine screening for domestic violence program. Snapshot report
- Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System
- Ruah Community Services
- Ruby Fire Brigades aids in East Gippsland firefight
- Run for Freedom
- SA Community
- SAGE : Science in Australia Gender Equity
- SDA Victoria
- SMHOW @StMarysHOW St Mary's House of Welcome (Twitter page)
- SPIN doctor : the Pacific Islands Internet magazine
- STEP into residential care : a training program evaluation
- Safe kids now : a workplace, a home and a playground : farm safety
- Safe kids now : and the family car
- Safe kids now : and the family home
- Safe on Social Media | Online Safety Coaching
- Safer : building safer communities
- Safer communities : strategic directions in urban planning, 10th & 11th September 1998, Melbourne
- Safety on site : stand up to the Liberal's attacks on unions
- Salt in our cities : counteracting the silent flood
- Samaritan House Geelong
- Save Preston Market : the market of the people