- Pathways : City of Melbourne homeless strategy 2011-2013
- Pathways that work : lessons from the Youth Employment Project in Caroline Springs Eve Bodsworth
- Pathways to social and economic inclusion : submission to the Australian government on employment services from 2015
- Paul Ramsay Foundation
- Peacebus.com
- Pedestrians (RTA Brochures)
- Personal safety on a night out
- Personal support programme evaluation : interim report
- Perth Homeless Support Group Inc
- Perth Inner City Youth Services
- Physical restraint in disability services : current practices, contemporary concerns, and future directions
- Plan
- Plan for the best: South Australia's strategic plan
- Plan for your animals during fire season
- Planning for a Safer Older Age
- PokieAct.org
- Pokies Play Whittlesea
- Pokies Play You : Alliance for Gambling Reform
- Police and domestic violence : an analysis of domestic violence incidents attended by police in the ACT and subsequent actions
- Policy Statement: Landmark Reform to the Welfare Reform System, Reinstatement of the Racial Discrimination Act, and Strengthening of the Northern Territory Emergency Response
- Policy on child neglect
- Policy submissions (Brotherhood of St Laurence)
- Position of Voice to Parliament Referendum - Settlement Services International
- Positive solutions in practice
- Positive words
- Positively Remarkable People
- Post Carbon Pathways
- Poverty in Australia : developing community dialogue : report of a qualitative research study
- Poverty in Australia : sensitivity analysis and recent trends
- Power in a union
- Power in a union : Victorian Unions taking action
- Practical lessons, fair consequences : improving diversion for young people in Victoria
- Practice and prevention conference : conference papers
- Practice guidelines : women and children's family violence counselling and support programs
- Practicing what we preach : social justice stories from UnitingCare Queensland
- Preliminary advice on increasing employment opportunities for people with disability in NSW, including the private sector : submission to the NSW Minister for Disability Services
- Preliminary traffic accidents data. Monthly bulletin
- Premier's Disaster Relief Appeal Distribution Committee Report
- Preparing for what : the administration of youth allowance activity agreements for young job seekers
- Presentation to the inquiry into workforce participation by people with a mental illness
- Preventing and responding to work-related violence
- Preventing student homelessness and early school leaving : putting into practice school and community collaboration
- Prevention and early intervention update - trends in recent research : research report
- Prevention of Family Violence: Grace's Story : Victim Survivor's Advisory Council
- Previous Winners of Robin Clark Memorial Awards
- Prince's Trust Australia
- Problem gambling
- Problem gambling and the criminal justice system : full report
- Problem gambling and the criminal justice system : summary of findings
- Problem gambling in non-English speaking background communities in Queensland : a pilot study
- Problem gambling prevalence survey 2002
- Project Rockit
- Project Safe Space
- Promoting healthy finances : an evaluation of the Financial Health Service pilot
- Protect Victoria
- Protecting Children awards
- Protecting Victoria's vulnerable children inquiry
- Protecting us all
- Protocol between Corrections Victoria, Department of Justice and Disability Services, Department of Human Services
- Pseudo Underage Liquor Sales : A Research Report
- Psychological causes of problem gambling: a longitudinal study of at risk recreational EGM players.
- Psychological health regulations HSR briefing
- Public dental care and the Teeth First trial : a history of decay
- Public housing and social inclusion : submission to family and community development committee inquiry into the adequacy and future directions of public housing in Victoria
- Public sector reform
- Public transport not traffic
- Punter's Politics Home – PuntersPolitics
- Putting the pieces back together
- QNADA : Queensland Network of Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies Ltd.
- QPASTT : Queensland Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture and Trauma
- Quantum Support Services
- Queensland Anti-Discrimination Commission
- Queensland Child Protection Week
- Queensland Coalition for Action on Alcohol
- Queensland Cost of Living Action
- Queensland Council of Social Service
- Queensland Election 2020 Priorities Statement (QCOSS)
- Queensland Fire and Rescue Service
- Queensland Shelter
- Queensland disaster management planning guidelines 2005 : for local government
- Queensland household gambling survey 2001
- Queensland responsible gambling code of practice
- Queensland responsible gambling code of practice : report on the implementation review
- RISE: Refugees survivors & Ex-detainees
- RISEMELBOURNE @risemelbourne (Twitter page)
- RSPCA Queensland
- RSPCA Victoria
- Race for the headlines : racism and media discourse
- Racism NOT Welcome
- Racism diminishes all of us (The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists)
- Racism stops with me - extended film (City of Whittlesea)
- Racism stops with us (City of Whittlesea)
- Radical Times Historical Archive
- Rainbow Juice (Bruce Meder)
- Raise The Age
- Raise The Age : Dr Tim Read : Greens MP for Brunswick
- Raise The Age : Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service
- Raise the age, Victoria : Change the Record
- Raise the minimum age for criminal responsibility : Kinship Carers Victoria