- Safer communities : strategic directions in urban planning, 10th & 11th September 1998, Melbourne
- Safety on site : stand up to the Liberal's attacks on unions
- Salt in our cities : counteracting the silent flood
- Samaritan House Geelong
- Save Preston Market : the market of the people
- Save RAH
- Save South Stone Lodge
- Save our Gulf Coalition
- Save the ridge : saving Bruce/O'Connor Ridge from destruction by Gungahlin Drive extension
- Say no to animals in pet shops
- School and children (RTA Brochures)
- School autonomy reform and social justice in Australian public education
- School engagement and life chances : 15 year olds in transition : life chances study stage 7
- Seasonal focus - Chief Officer's expectations for safety
- Seasonal labour mobility : responsible business conduct, decent work and regional engagement
- Seasonal outlook - November 2019
- Seatbelts and restraints (RTA Brochures)
- Second Chance Programme Fundraising Group Inc.
- SecondBite
- Security factsheet series (New South Wales. Attorney General's Dept. Crime Prevention Division)
- Seeking security : promoting women's economic wellbeing following domestic violence
- Senior practitioner grants initiative summary report
- Sexual abuse : an overview
- Sexual abuse : how parents can help their child
- Sexual assault
- Shelter and support for homeless in Melbourne : Premier of Victoria
- Shepparton Interfaith Network : serving the faith communities of the Goulburn Valley
- Sidelined : workforce participation and non-participation among baby boomers in Australia
- Sign the open letter : raise the age in Victoria
- Sign up to help on Victoria's state election day : November 29
- Silence is deadly
- Sisters Inside Inc.
- Sisters Inside submission March 2003 : Poverty in Australia Inquiry
- Skool's out. A report from the Skool's Out forum on homophobic bullying and harrassment in and around schools in 2002
- Slutwalk Melbourne
- Social Health Australia
- Social Inclusion Initiative
- Social Traders
- Social Workers for Climate Action (SW4CA)
- Social and economic inclusion of Indigenous people
- Social exclusion among older people : a preliminary study from inner city Melbourne
- Social exclusion in Boroondara : stage two: identifying the issues for children who experience social exclusion in Boroondara
- Social exclusion monitor bulletin
- Social inclusion seminar papers
- Social media breaks new ground for flood crisis response
- Social profile report / NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing
- Socio-economic impacts of access to electronic gaming machines in Victoria : effects on demand and communities
- Sociodemographic barriers to utilisation and participation in telecommunications services and their regional distribution : a quantitative analysis
- Soft words
- Sophie Walsh - London | Europe Correspondent 9NewsAUS @sophie_walsh9 (Twitter)
- Source of Plastic Waste
- South Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society
- South Burnett CTC
- Speaking Up For You Inc.
- Specialist domestic violence courts : what we know now - How far have Australian jurisdictions progressed
- Speeding (RTA Brochures)
- Spiritual care and spiritual poverty in aged care : an investigation into current models of spiritual care in high and low care residential aged care facilities and implications
- St Bart's - We're by your side
- St Mary Magdalene's Anglican Church: Magdalene Centre
- St Mary's House of Welcome : Melbourne Homeless Charity
- Standard Emergency Warning Signal (SEWS)
- Standards for recording Victorian Aboriginal heritage places and objects
- Stepping up: a social inclusion action plan for mental health reform 2007-2012
- Stop All Black Deaths in Custody: Rally and Vigil for George Floyd (Facebook)
- Stop QLD Youth Crime
- Stop VIC Suffering @gogentleaus (Twitter page)
- Stop graffiti vandalism fact sheet
- Stories from the Coast : celebrating our first 5 years
- Stories of early school leaving : pointers for policy and practice
- Strategic plan for the prevention of elder abuse in Queensland
- Streat
- Street Angels
- Street Chaplains WA
- Street Law Centre WA
- Street dinking strategy
- Streetcount
- Strike It Out
- Strong foundations : building on Victoria's work to end family violence
- Strong voices : a blueprint to enhance life and claim the rights of people with disability in South Australia (2012-2020)
- Study of gambling and health in Victoria : findings from the Victorian prevalence study 2014
- Submission to ACMA's reconnecting the customer consultation
- Submission to caring for older Australians productivity commission
- Submission to inquiry into liveability options in outer suburban melbourne : outer suburban interface services and development committee (OSISDC)
- Submission to review of funding for schooling
- Submission to senate economics committee inquiry into competition within the Australian banking sector
- Submission to senate economics committee inquiry into the banking amendment bill 2010
- Submission to the Australian energy market commission on the consolidated rule request : national electricity amendment (economic regulation of network service providers) rule 2011
- Submission to the DEECD "Safe and Caring Schools" student support service consultation
- Submission to the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. NT emergency response review
- Submission to the Department of Treasury and Finance : review of the advanced metering infrastructure program
- Submission to the Inquiry on the Draft Disability (Access to Premises - Buildings) Standards
- Submission to the National Commission of Audit (Australian Council for International Development)
- Submission to the Victorian competition and efficiency commission inquiry into a state-based reform agenda
- Submission to the Victorian government consultation : pathways to a fair and sustainable social housing system
- Submission to the essential services commission : vocational education and training fee and funding review
- Submission to the expert panel on asylum seekers
- Submission to the independent review of Centrepay
- Submission to the inquiry into cybersafety for senior Australians
- Submission to the inquiry into dementia : early diagnosis and intervention
- Submission to the inquiry into growth corridor plans